Rainy skies, shorter days, blustery bone-chilling winds, and muddy footprints can mean only one thing. It's officially bath season!  That got us thinking here at Shepard Moon.  Let's start a new tradition for those of us who set our clocks back this time each year.  Why not use that extra hour to take a nice, long, hot bath?  You always say you would take more baths if you had more time.  To help support you in this endeavor, we've partnered up with many of our favorite stores to put your favorite baths on sale.

We couldn't do it without support!

Whether you're a dedicated bath taker celebrating the Fall kickoff to bath season, or pondering your holiday gift list, we're putting all Shepard Moon products on sale at many of our favorite stores. We're feeling so happy that we're putting our fabulous organic Epsom salt bath salts ON SALE at 26 STORE LOCATIONS!!!  Wowza! We're so grateful for their support in carrying our products—-many of them for over 2 decades. Now that's pumping out a lot of peace and self-care over the years. 

So a huge THANK YOU to these supportive stores and all the wonderful stores and Co-ops that carry our handmade, organic products. And big thanks to YOU —- those of you who have been supporting Shepard Moon and supporting small, local businesses over the years. So whether you want to through the holidays, relieve sore muscles from raking leaves, or get your holiday gifts for friends, family, and co-workers---why not save some money, and support these great stores? 


Shepard Moon On-Sale at these Stores!

Community Food Co-op's. 2 locations in Bellingham, Washington

Central Co-op:  Capitol Hill   Seattle, Washington

Haggen:  15 locations in Western Washington:  Barkley, Burlington, Fairhaven, Ferndale, Lake Stevens, Lake Tapps, Marysville, Meridian, Mount Vernon, Oak Harbor, Olympia, Sehome, Snohomish, Stanwood, and Woodinville.

Marlene's Market:  2 locations:  Federal Way and Tacoma, Washington

Pilgrim's Market:  Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

QFC:  2 locations:  Kirkland Urban and Bellevue Village  

Radiance Herbs & Massage:  Olympia, Washington

Skagit Valley Food Co-op:  Mount Vernon, Washington

Sno-Isle Food Co-op:  Everett, Washington

Star Store Basics:  Langley (Whidbey Island) Washington