By on Thursday, 14 July 2016
Category: Blog Articles

What Are Bath Remedies?

For many women, menses can be a debilatating and painful time each month. Dysmenorrhea affects approximately 50% of menstruating women with 10-15% experiencing pain severe enough to prevent normal daily functioning. It is the leading cause of lost time from school or work usually occurring among otherwise healthy women in their late teens and early 20’s.

Other women suffer from the various symptoms of PMS which include irritability, mood swings, bloating, joint or muscle pain, fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems, constipation, headaches, difficulty concentrating, tension, anxiety or depression, and breast tenderness.

Shepard Moon Concoctions Gal Pal PMS Relief Bath is an effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of many of the symptoms of PMS, dysmenorrhea, and menopause bringing relief to many of the symptoms women experience. This formula is a blend of Geranium, Clary Sage, Lavender, and Frankincense medicinal grade, organic essential oils in a salt blend of celtic sea salt and magnesium sulfate (epsom salts). The combination of mineral bath hydrotherapy and essential oils is particularly effective in addressing the difficulties many women experience each month with their menstrual cycle.

***Note: Shepard Moon Concoctions “Gal Pal Bath” is the same effective essential formula sold in our retail line!

Physically, hydrotherapy brings relief through the shear immersion of the body in water. Hydrostatic pressure is created upon the body improving blood flow and moving extra-cellular and intracellular fluids. Mineral salts, particularly magnesium, is a strong muscle relaxant with anti-spasmodic qualities while the simple act of taking a bath brings both physical and psychological relief. The addition of Shepard Moon’s Female Formula potentiates this relief. Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) essential oil improves blood flow and has long been used in the treatment of hormonal imbalance. Psychologically, Geranium is an emotional uplifter and stress reducer. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) has powerful antispasmodic and sedative properties and is used in the treatment of hormonal imbalance, PMS, intestinal and menstrual cramping. Lavender (Lavandula officianalis) is most widely known for its sedative and calming properties while Frankincense (Boswellia caterii) is calming, edifying, and balancing. Because the chemical constituency of Frankincense contains a high percentage of sesqiterpenes, it is easily able to cross the blood-brain barrier and is being studied as a possible therapy for alzheimer’s.

Many women report that SMC’s Female Formula has been one of the greatest “tricks” they have found in combating the symptoms of PMS, dysmenorrhea, and menopause making it one of their monthly rituals. If you are a holistic practioner in the Pacific NW who uses Biotics products in your practice, you can order this bath remedy as well as Shepard Moon Concoctions other therapeutic baths (Ache & Pain, Cold & Flu, Circulation, Detox, and Relaxation) through Biotics Research NW (800) 636-6913.

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