#1 Pain relieving lotion with healthcare professionals
Our best selling bulk lotion, this powerful pain relieving essential oil formula has been a favorite with holistic healthcare professionals and arthritis sufferers for almost two decades. Relieve Lotion Therapy helps warm and relax away pain in overused muscles and reduce inflammation and swelling that causes joint pain.
This all natural lotion base is available in bulk sizes and is sodium lauryl sulfate and paraben free. We then add inflammation reducing Arnica and our same organic essenital oil formula found in our best selling Ache & Pain Relief bath and Relieve Massage and Body Oil. What you get is an all natural, pain relieving lotion that works! For maximum pain relief, soak in our Ache & Pain Relief bath then apply Relieve Lotion Therapy throughout your day.
Available in 16 oz, 32 oz and Gallon bulk sizes.
Natural Ingredients:
Essential oil formula: Birch, Spruce, Rosemary, Laurel, Marjoram and Black Pepper
Infused Oils: Arnica, Devils Claw and Ashwaghanda
Natural Lotion Base: Aqua, Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel and Jojoba oils; Aloe Juice, Shea Butter, Emulsifying Wax and Glycerine (vegetable source), Palm Stearic Acid, Witch Hazel, Green Tea Leaf Extract; naturally preserved with Vitamins C & E and Grapefruit Seed Extract.