Bye Bye Monster Spray

bye bye monster spray and zombie duck
bye bye monster spray and zombie duckZombie Ducks included of course
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$11.99 each

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Give your little monster something sure to make bedtime fun!

Do you have a little one who has difficulty wanting to go to bed at night?  Shepard Moon’s Bye Bye Monster Spray was created just for you!  Parents know that kids LOVE to spray things---so this all-natural room mist made with relaxing lavender and calming chamomile organic essential oils will soon become your bedtime best-friend by giving your little one something delightful to look forward to-----spraying their rooms before bed.  

Spraying closets, pillows, and even under beds will become a fun bedtime ritual that not only keeps ‘monsters’ away but because it’s made with super relaxing and sleep-inducing organic essential oils, this safe, all-natural room mist will help calm and ease their transition toward getting a great nights rest.  Make bedtime easy for both you and your little monster with Shepard Moon’s all-natural, organic Bye Bye Monster room spray.  As one of our delighted darlings reported, ‘it works because it smells like unicorns!

Works great with our Bedtime Bath or Kids Soothing Oatmeal Bath.  Each room mist comes complete with a zombie monster duck!  

Natural Organic Ingredients:

Distilled Water, Witch Hazel, and Aloe Vera blended with Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rosewood, Frankincense, and Sandalwood organic essential oils.  

What our customers say:
5 1 5
How great is this stuff? My daughter is thrilled to spray it over her bed every night and she is certain it drives monsters away. It is a wonderfully light natural smell that we both love.

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Shepard Moon LLC

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