Fall Back into your Bath!

Rainy skies, shorter days, blustery bone-chilling winds, and muddy footprints can mean only one thing. It's officially bath season!  That got us thinking here at Shepard Moon.  Let's start a new tradition for those of us who set our clocks back this time each year.  Why not use that extra hour to take a ...

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The Science of Bathing: Improving Circulation

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, pink and red hearts and symbols of love are everywhere.  But if you really want to get your heart pumping, then forget the chocolates and flowers and take a bath!  Yep.  You heard me correctly.  Taking baths regularly is one of the healthiest things you can do to show your heart ...

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Shepard Moon LLC

1419 Skagit Street
Skagit, WA 98274, USA


Phone: (206) 706-3155

Fax: (206) 706-3155




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