The Science of Bathing: Improving Circulation


With Valentine's Day just around the corner, pink and red hearts and symbols of love are everywhere.  But if you really want to get your heart pumping, then forget the chocolates and flowers and take a bath!  Yep.  You heard me correctly.  Taking baths regularly is one of the healthiest things you can do to show your heart the love it deserves.  And yes. I know that I'm much more than a little biased, as the owner of Shepard Moon. Still, I would love to add bathing to the list of heart-healthy, circulation-enhancing, feel-good, self-care activities that are not only good for your ticker but rejuvenating to your entire being——body, mind, soul, and spirit.

If you're like millions of Americans suffering from high blood pressure, hypertension, or cardiovascular disease, finding ways to love your heart is on your mind each and every day. Even with our focus on diet, exercise, and stress reduction, heart disease is still the number one health concern in the U.S. and is one of the leading causes of death.  In fact, heart disease causes more than 25% of all American deaths annually. So how can taking baths help your heart?  I'm really glad you asked!

Want to lower your blood pressure?  Take a bath!

Hot baths lower blood pressure in three ways—first, relaxation. Your muscles relax when they are warm. Relaxed muscles require less blood and therefore create, less blood pressure. Warm baths also relax you mentally. Mental relaxation is great for all sorts of ailments. When your body and mind are in a state of peace, they signal your heart and circulatory system to also relax. Relaxed cardiovascular systems don't have to work as hard so they work much more efficiently.  

Secondly, bathing is effective at lowering your blood pressure through, vasodilation. Warm baths cause your blood vessels to dilate (become wider.) Wider blood vessels mean less pressure is needed to move blood through your vascular system. In fact, most blood pressure medications are vasodilators and work in exactly this way.

Finally, baths lower your blood pressure through temperature regulation. Your heart and blood pressure function to regulate body temperature. Warm baths mean that your body doesn't need to work as hard to keep you warm. Again, when your cardiovascular system doesn't have to work as hard, the healthier your entire body system is. 

Take baths to keep your heart healthy!

 So if taking care of your heart and improving your body's circulatory system is important to you, then grab a book and relax in a nice, warm bath 2-3 times per week. You may just find it the most pleasant part of your heart-healthy regimen!

Shepard Moon's Vitality Epsom Salt Bath was created to improve circulation while bringing soothing relief to sore, achy muscles. It also makes a fabulous foot bath for those who suffer from edema and neuropathy. Made with the same, powerful essential oil formula found in our Revitalize Organic Lotion and Revitalize Massage & Body Oil, this circulation-enhancing trio has been the 'go-to' formula for many health practitioners for over 25 years! 

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