PCC Community Markets highlight Shepard Moon and other Women-owned businesses!


We're so honored to be one of the four amazing local companies that PCC chose to highlight in their March 2018 issue of Sound Consumer (Sound Consumer, March 2018 | Issue No. 537 | Women) 

Handmade by Humans!

I'm pretty easy-going about a lot of things that seem to really be a big deal for most folks. I do my best to embody the Taoist view of "She who is most flexible — is usually the happiest!" But there are things that I can be stubborn as a mule on. One of them is my insistence on making our products by hand.

Working with Energy and Intention

Shepard Moon didn't originally begin by making products for retail shelves. We started by creating therapeutically effective, organic products for the clients I worked with at the clinic I co-founded. As a body worker, I knew the healing power of energy, intention and consciousness and looked at everything we did through that lens.

Essential oils are one of Mother Nature's most powerful healing. Organic foods and herbs are imbued with more potent energy than their non-organic counterparts. With that in mind, it's my belief that products, hand-made by intentional people, are more effective than those mass-produced by machine.

I don't have actual scientific data to back up my belief. I only have my experience of working with people in private practice and nearly two decades of receiving emails and phone calls from folks all over the United States who swear by our products. Even our the plain epsom salts we sell to a dozen local retail outlets are touted by customers as the most powerful epsom salts they've ever used. Yet, likely, our sources for salt are the exact same as other companies. That would mean that the only difference would be our handling and packaging of them.In other words, our energy.

Great people making great products

So could hand-crafting products with focus and intention really make a difference? I absolutely believe it does. I know that wherever I go, I feel a profound difference if that place is filled with joy, lightness, and love rather than despair, unhappiness, and conflict. I bet you do as well. That's why, as laid back as I can be about a lot of things, one thing I'll always insist on is this: at Shepard Moon we'll continue to make high quality, healthy products, using the best ingredients, with the hands (and hearts!) of high quality, healthy people that care about being the best in all they do. Because I believe this is what sets us apart from other great companies!

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Shepard Moon LLC

1419 Skagit Street
Skagit, WA 98274, USA


Phone: (206) 706-3155

Fax: (206) 706-3155




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