Does taking a hot bath boost your immune system?

Soaking in a hot bath is miraculously relaxing and helpful in easing away muscle soreness, but did you know that it's an effective, natural way to boost your immune system? Immunology studies have found that soaking 20-30 minutes in a bath raises your core body temperature increasing white blood cell production and strengthening your body's ability...

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  15786 Hits

Magnesium - the mom of all minerals!

Moms are amazing. Not only do they make sure everyone gets to where they need to go, they ensure everyone has what they need when they get there. That can mean ensuring every member of the family arrives at work or school with a full belly and wearing something clean. That before every practice, every offspring is equipped with a pre-packed sports bag containing the right uniform, shin guards, snack, cleats, and even the library books that need returning later. And often it can mean working long hours and providing for everyone. No matter what other titles a mother bears, they are Janes-of-all-trades and help everyone else succeed.

  5918 Hits

Spring Cleaning? Why not start with a bath?

Spring Detox Cleanse

Of all the flips of my calendar, I think my favorite one happens this time of year. Why?  Because IT'S SPRING!!!!  Well, close enough anyway.  I absolutely love springtime.  My crocuses are croakin'.  Everywhere I look, there's the promise of new life.  And what other time of year can we experience all four seasons in a single hour?  There is an inescapable vitality in the air that inspires me out of Winter’s sleepy lull and makes me want to… CLEAN!?!  Whaaah?

  9494 Hits

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Skagit, WA 98274, USA


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