10 Ways to Stay Sane Through the Election

    UPDATED: October 2024----And just like that, it's another presidential election. And much like the hurricanes that are ravaging the South, many of us feel like we're being hit by an unrelenting storm of divisiveness, worry, wars, misinformation, and blame. I originally wrote this post for the 2020 election.  Some things have...

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  3919 Hits

Holiday Success!

 The holidays always seem to begin and end the same for us at Shepard Moon…….with EXCITEMENT! It's fun when we begin mixing our seasonal scents, labeling our fun holiday packaging and gearing up for the upcoming holiday season --- often in summer shorts and tank tops. And it's doubly exciting to make that very last delivery! Best Holiday Ever!...

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  5610 Hits

How to stay cool naturally on hot summer nights

Staying cool on hot summer nights can be a challenge, especially for us temperate climate folks in the Pacific Northwest.  We often create crazy cooling rituals like opening our windows and blinds from dusk until dawn, then closing them during the heat of the day. Our homes are littered with fans and occasional window A/C units. And some of us just give up and grab our camping gear and head for the backyard or basement to try and sleep. But what most of us don’t think about is taking a bath!

A tepid bath is a great way to cool your core body temperature before bedtime and connecting with the wisdom of Mother Nature can help even further.

  19469 Hits

Magnesium - the mom of all minerals!

Moms are amazing. Not only do they make sure everyone gets to where they need to go, they ensure everyone has what they need when they get there. That can mean ensuring every member of the family arrives at work or school with a full belly and wearing something clean. That before every practice, every offspring is equipped with a pre-packed sports bag containing the right uniform, shin guards, snack, cleats, and even the library books that need returning later. And often it can mean working long hours and providing for everyone. No matter what other titles a mother bears, they are Janes-of-all-trades and help everyone else succeed.

  5915 Hits

Nurturing Ourselves in Challenging Times

I consider myself a spiritual being here to help serve our world.  In my personal life, I am both a spiritual counselor and a woman in recovery. 19 years ago I founded Shepard Moon Concoctions and consider it to be one of my greatest spiritual expressions. This endeavor has also been a consistent source of some of my life’s most valuable lessons, and these past couple of years have been no different. Every Mother’s Day, this sentiment rings truer for me than the last.

  12962 Hits

Spring Cleaning? Why not start with a bath?

Spring Detox Cleanse

Of all the flips of my calendar, I think my favorite one happens this time of year. Why?  Because IT'S SPRING!!!!  Well, close enough anyway.  I absolutely love springtime.  My crocuses are croakin'.  Everywhere I look, there's the promise of new life.  And what other time of year can we experience all four seasons in a single hour?  There is an inescapable vitality in the air that inspires me out of Winter’s sleepy lull and makes me want to… CLEAN!?!  Whaaah?

  9487 Hits

11 Reasons Why….You Need a Bath!

Who has time to take a bath anymore?  It might not feel like you do, but making time for relaxation is important!  And taking regular baths, instead of showers, is not only more relaxing, it’s also better for improving your overall health. Here are 11 reasons why you’ll want to resurrect bathing as part of your weekly self-care routine.


#1 Taking baths improves your overall circulation

One of the biggest differences between bathing and showers is hydrostatic pressure.  Because water is much denser than air, immersing yourself in your bathtub exerts greater pressure against your body.  This pressure pushes excess extracellular fluid back into circulation.  “When you improve blood flow, you improve everything.”—Dr. Douglas Lewis

  5215 Hits

Shepard Moon LLC

1419 Skagit Street
Skagit, WA 98274, USA


Phone: (206) 706-3155

Fax: (206) 706-3155




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