3 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Wow!  It feels like we're living in a time of complete national discord. Non-stop arguing, name-calling and slinging opinions like hand-grenades is the 'new norm' in communication. It seems like we're more interested in being right than we are in finding common ground. And what could be more common than the 'ground' upon which we all stand: Th...

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  5697 Hits

How to make the Easiest Detoxifying Body Scrub Ever!

Springtime is my favorite time for cleansing.  The emerging bulbs and blossoming trees inspire me to be outdoors and clear out flower beds and garden spaces.  Inevitably it rains and I find myself indoors going through closets and ridding myself of little-used household items.  Then predictably, this urge to purge inspires me to deto...

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  10479 Hits

11 Reasons Why….You Need a Bath!

Who has time to take a bath anymore?  It might not feel like you do, but making time for relaxation is important!  And taking regular baths, instead of showers, is not only more relaxing, it’s also better for improving your overall health. Here are 11 reasons why you’ll want to resurrect bathing as part of your weekly self-care routine.


#1 Taking baths improves your overall circulation

One of the biggest differences between bathing and showers is hydrostatic pressure.  Because water is much denser than air, immersing yourself in your bathtub exerts greater pressure against your body.  This pressure pushes excess extracellular fluid back into circulation.  “When you improve blood flow, you improve everything.”—Dr. Douglas Lewis

  5215 Hits

Shepard Moon LLC

1419 Skagit Street
Skagit, WA 98274, USA


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