3 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day


Wow!  It feels like we're living in a time of complete national discord. Non-stop arguing, name-calling and slinging opinions like hand-grenades is the 'new norm' in communication. It seems like we're more interested in being right than we are in finding common ground. And what could be more common than the 'ground' upon which we all stand: The Earth.   

   Since 1970, we have celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd Since 1970 as a day of recognizing and caring for this "thing" that supports all of us---no matter what our political ideology. We've made progress as well as created setbacks over the last 49 years. All in all, I'm very grateful for the awareness created by those who dreamed up 'Earth Day' nearly half a century ago now.

Mother Earth is one of my favorite teachers and her lessons are ones I believe we can all aspire to. She's resilient, powerful and forgiving while always striving to support life. From the beginning, she has supported us, sustained us and given us refuge. She doesn't care about our religious beliefs or political affiliations. She doesn't care what color our skin or our sexual orientation. She treats each person with the same care. As a Buddhist teacher once told me: 'Trees cast shade equally upon the murderer and the saint – this is the ultimate aspiration of loving-kindness'.

Learning to take a Long View 

    Yes, you could call me a tree-hugging liberal.  With all the deregulation and tearing down of environmental protections, I find myself discouraged as the progress we've made is negated in rapid succession.  In these politically divisive times, it's easy to feel hopeless.

But one of the great lessons Mother Earth teaches us is the one of longevity. The truth is she was here first and will be here long after us --- no matter what we do. So when I feel discouraged, I try and take a long view. Because truthfully, whether our government takes a more active role to protect our environment or it chooses not to, there are things we can do to have a measurable impact. We can be patient and consistent, like the earth, in how we show up each day and care for her and care for ourselves. As we choose to be agents of change, rather than victims of elections, we can inspire one another with our efforts.

​ In honor of Earth Day, I invite you to do something to 'Love Your Mother'!  To get the ball rolling, here are three simple things you might consider:

1.  Be mindful of your skin care product choices

   When considering the skin care products you purchase, it's important to be mindful of their contents.  While many exfoliating products work well, shower and facial scrubs and even some kinds of toothpaste, use plastic micro-beads that end up endangering fish and wildlife in our oceans and lakes. Instead, use products without these harmful plastics or make your own natural scrubs, such as those you can make with our bath and body oils.

2.  Stop buying bottled water and get a reusable water bottle 


   Did you know that researchers have concluded that the global demand for bottled water consumes the energy equivalent of approximately 160 million barrels of oil to produce the same exact amount of tap water?  To put that in some perspective, one Petroleum Supertanker can carry 2 million barrels of oil.  This means that our yearly global demand for bottled water needs 80 supertankers of oil to fulfill.  This doesn't even address what we do with those bottles and the waste they leave behind.  The next time you run into a store to buy a quick bottle of water, do this: Buy 7 instead.  Then dump out 6 bottles and one-quarter of the 7th bottle, before refilling it with oil.  Cheers!  You might just find yourself sold on the idea of purchasing one of those fancy $20 reusable water bottles instead. Not only would that be better for your health, it would make a huge impact on the health of our planet.

3.  Whenever you can, buy in bulk

   Packaging accounts for nearly 1/3 of the garbage that ends up in our landfills according to University of Southern Indiana' Landfill and Waste Facts.  I know for companies like Shepard Moon, the cost of packaging can be as much or more than the product it contains!

   Buying bulk can help alleviate the enormous waste that is incurred by our lifestyle of convenience.  Many companies produce products in larger sizes though you may not always see them on your store's retail shelves.  Check with your store's staff members and see if they can special order your favorite products in bulk sizes.  At Shepard Moon, we are very fortunate to work with many environmentally conscious stores who are more than happy to help you do that. If your store cannot help you, check online to see if bulk sizes are available for you to order direct.

   So join Shepard Moon this Earth Day by making some simple choices in helping to support Mother Earth as she has done for each one of us no matter our ideology or who in running our government today!

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